Ayuda a familias en Siria

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Finished 11 / 04 / 2018
$ 3,744
$ 3,316
$ 6,526
71 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 5

    Recognition on Facebook

    A recognition will be made on our Facebook page, naming those who collaborate with 5€ in our campaign

    > 03 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 11

    Recognition on Facebook and Alendar pin

    We will name on our Facebook page and we will send you an Alendar pin to all those people who collaborate with 20€ in our cause

    > 07 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 21

    Recognition on Facebook, pin and Alendar shirt

    We will post the name on our Facebook page, and we will send a pin and an Alendar shirt to those who make a 50€ contribution to our humanitarian aid campaign.

    > 11 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 53

    Reconocimiento en Facebook y Twitter. Camiseta Alendar

    Publicaremos el nombre en nuestra página de Facebook y Twitter y le enviaremos una camiseta de Alendar a quienes hagan una aportación de 50€ para nuestra campaña de ayuda humanitaria.

    > 10 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 107

    Reconocimiento en Facebook y Twitter. Chapa y camiseta de Alendar

    Publicaremos el nombre en nuestra página de Facebook y Twitter y le enviaremos chapa y camiseta de Alendar a quienes hagan una aportación de 100€ para nuestra campaña de ayuda humanitaria.

    > 04 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 160

    Reconocimiento en Facebook y Twitter. Pulsera y camiseta Alendar

    Publicaremos el nombre en nuestra página de Facebook y Twitter y le enviaremos una pulsera y camiseta de Alendar a quienes hagan una aportación de 150€ para nuestra campaña de ayuda humanitaria.

    > 01 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 214

    Reconocimiento en Facebook y Twitter. Chapa, pulsera y camiseta de Alendar

    Publicaremos el nombre en nuestra página de Facebook y Twitter y le enviaremos chapa, pulsera y camiseta de Alendar a quienes hagan una aportación de 200€ para nuestra campaña de ayuda humanitaria.

    > 01 Apoiadores

About this project

Monthly economic support for families with great shortages caused by the war in Syria

Necessidades Infraestrutura Minimum ótimo
Economic support 2 families 6 months
200€ for 6 months to 2 families in Syria. Plus the costs of publication management and commissions per shipment.
$ 3,316
Extension of the scope
Extend economic support to two other families
$ 3,209
Total $ 3,316 $ 6,526

General information

Our goal is t send 200€ per month for a minimum of 6 months to families severely affected by the war in Syria and whose situation of need prevents them from covering basic needs such as food, especially in children, energy resources and even in many cases , access to a home. And with winter, it will worsen your situation. The devaluation of the Syrian currency due to the war, allows that with only 200€ per month, we can alleviate these needs to a large extent. purpose is direct help in a country at war like Syria, by sending monthly 200€ per family, and maintained for at least 6 months. It is very important to help people who escape the war, but what about those who are trapped inside?

Our goal is to send 200€ per month for a minimum of 6 months to families severely affected by the war in Syria and whose situation of need prevents them from covering basic needs such as food, especially in children, energy resources and even in many cases , access to a home. And with winter, it will worsen your situation. The devaluation of the Syrian currency due to the war, allows that with only 200€ per month, we can alleviate these needs to a large extent.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Our purpose is direct help in a country at war like Syria, by sending monthly 200€ per family, and maintained for at least 6 months. It is very important to help people who escape the war, but what about those who are trapped inside?
The main objectives that we pursue with this project are:

To alleviate problems of malnutrition in the infantile population, especially in babies.

Provide access to energy resources in the winter months.

Facilitate access to decent housing.

Facilitate the acquisition of medicines and necessary medical attention especially in pregnant women and minors.

In short, dignify the lives of families to the extent that we can.

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Why this is important

Given the situation of great need unleashed by the war in Syria, which suffer more virulently families already with few economic resources before the war, which is why they do not have the opportunity to escape the country. Families with great economic needs, and who have no possibility of meeting basic needs such as feeding and caring for their children, access to energy resources, even to a roof under which to shelter. And once we established contacts with people of trust, with whom we collaborated in Greece, and who were our counterpart in our work from Spain, Syrian people who provide us with the way to contact, acting as intermediaries, with these extremely needy families, we decided start this campaign thinking about the weakest in these situations, women and children. The war in Syria is leaving thousands of victims both inside and outside its borders. From our association we send aid to the refugee population in Europe and Turkey, but we can not forget those who continue to suffer under the fear of bombs and absolute poverty. We can not forget the girls and boys who are losing much more than their childhood.

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Team and experience

Alendar is an association formed by people with experience in humanitarian aid, especially in helping refugees. This experience is based on the collection and sending to Greece of materials of first necessity, as well as the distribution in first person by members of the association. We also send financial support to cover specialist medical care, dentist, medicines and materials deemed necessary at the time, managed by our counterpart in the area. We have a large volunteer team and two locations in Asturias in which the collection of specific materials, classification and delivery of them are made. Our means of financing are donations from individuals or public entities, as well as the events we attend or organize from the association for that purpose.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Zero Hunger

    The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.