Demodrama Faces

Finished 06 / 07 / 2012
Missão cumprida!
£ 1,632
£ 1,371
£ 2,056
69 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 4

    Mención manual digital

    Te mandaremos la versión digital del manual "Construye tu propia máscara digital" en cuanto esté disponible + Aparecerás en la sección de agradecimientos de nuestra web y de las presentaciones durante el festival Afropixel con tu nombre y apellidos

    > 06 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 9

    Chapa demodrama

    Te haremos llegar dos chapas con diseño Demodrama + Versión digital del manual "Construye tu propia máscara digital" + Aparecerás en la sección de agradecimientos de nuestra web y de las presentaciones durante el festival Afropixel

    > 06 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 21

    Camiseta diseño Demodrama

    Te haremos llegar una camiseta con diseño Demodrama-faces + Versión digital del manual "Construye tu propia máscara digital" + Aparecerás en la sección de agradecimientos de nuestra web y de las presentaciones durante el festival Afropixel

    > 33 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 43

    Teleactuación y camiseta

    Tu rostro aparecerá en una futura pieza de Demodrama + Te haremos llegar una camiseta con diseño Demodrama-faces + Versión digital del manual "Construye tu propia máscara digital" + Aparecerás en la sección de agradecimientos de nuestra web y de las presentaciones durante el festival Afropixel

    > 09 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 129

    Ilustración exclusiva

    Te haremos llegar una ilustración del artista Yassine Balbzioui ( residente en Ker Thiossane durante el festival Afropixel 2012. Realizará un número limitado de obras específicas para los colaboradores de Goteo + Dos chapas con diseño Demodrama + Versión digital del manual "Construye tu propia máscara digital" + Aparecerás en la sección de agradecimientos de nuestra web y de las presentaciones durante el festival Afropixel

    > 01 Apoiadores

About this project

Platform of creation and innovation through interactive digital masks

Necessidades Tarefa Minimum ótimo
Programación Código
Mejorar el código base de la herramienta para su publicación
£ 343
Publicación código
Publicación del código en GPL para su difusión y repositorio de software
£ 171
Coordinación artística taller Afropixel
Coordinación artística de grupo de talleristas en Dakar dentro del contexto del festival Afropixel para mejorar las piezas ya empezadas de cara a su presentación pública
£ 257
Capacitación técnica talleristas
Formar a los participantes del taller en la herramienta para su futuro uso de forma autónoma
£ 300
Página web
Creación de una página web con programación específica para albergar contenidos descargables asociados al código
£ 428
Comunicación y difusión
A través de la elaboración de vídeos, redes sociales, tejer redes, etc
£ 171
Necessidades Material Minimum ótimo
Diseño y fabricación de chapas y camisetas para retorno a los colaboradores
£ 300
Necessidades Infraestrutura Minimum ótimo
Dominio para página web y repositorio de software
£ 86
Total £ 1,371 £ 2,056

General information

A Japanese actor played by an actress in Madrid in real time? A video that comes alive on a performer’s face? An audience lending their own expressions to the characters of a play? Here mask, one of the oldest theatre devices, becomes the trigger of a exploration within technological possibilities applicable to the stage.

Demodrama Faces ( is an open source technological tool used for stage innovation. What it produces is staging based on interactive and magnified masks, where masks themselves become mobile frames for picture and video that replace actors' faces. The projected images follow the masks on set in real time, allowing us to superimpose digital faces onto a physical body and define different forms of interaction: by sound (voice), performer’s body language and gestures, or even facial transplants from external actors or users.

In spite of a such a specific proposal, this tool allows a wide range of possibilities and applications in such a way that, depending on which creators work with it (be it video-artists, dancers, graphic designers, etc.), very different results can be obtained.

Furthermore, it allows the staging of plays that investigate the medium of the mask itself or performers' and audiences' roles, who become part of the piece. This tool, due to its open nature, is available for all those people or institutions who could be interested in its application to different fields or its continued development.

Our early experience at the multimedia centre Kër Thiossane ( in Dakar, Senegal, a digital masks workshop given by Senegalese technicians and artists, has taken us to consider new challenges for this project:

To create a software to make code accessibility, and its technical data, more efficient, which means that every single person or group who want to, could adjust this tool and continue developing it in an autonomous way.

To start a shared and demodramatic creation network which provides visibility to developed stage strategies, methodology, contents and results, through a web and other communication media.

A long path full of enthusiasm for which we would like to count on the collaboration of those who might be interested.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The computer vision technology used in this project allows the detection and tracking of marks made with reflective materials, a technique used in the digital production of 3D animation for films and videogames, but in its low-cost application.

This technological system consists of a computer vision subsystem (which will track the masks) and a subsystem that generates the visual contents that form Demo-Drama. For the tracking, we have used OpenSource CCV 1.2 software, which communicates with the contents management through TUIO; for the build-up of contents we have used Processing.
While developing the tool, it was decided to use the Eclipse integrated environment, because of the advantages it provides for developing in Java. The main problem during the building of Demo-Drama developed as the first prototype, occurred when handling multiple scenes in the environment offered by Processing.

To simplify this task, we decided to create different classes where we could delegate responsibility when managing different effects and scenes, as listeners. This way, the scalability and handling of the project is simplified by treating each part of the content separately.

More information at Medialab Prado wiki:

Why this is important

Demodrama Faces platform is open to everyone, collective or institution interested in investigating the application of new technologies in dramatic arts through the digital mask tool.

This is an open work group formed by people with diverse profiles (programmers, set designers, actors, graphic designers) who collaborate continuously or intensively on certain occasions, both in person or virtually. For this reason, we welcome all contributions: technical support, content creation or project diffusion.

We want to find new uses for this tool together, especially in its pedagogical and creative aspects. And, since it is a free tool and its code will be published in GPL, other people anywhere in the world will be able to look into and keep on developing it. Its philosophy is based on low-cost and DIY, so it is quite cheap to assemble the installation necessary for the stage.

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Short term:

  • to remake the open source software (DemoScene) improving the system, so everyone can use it easily.
  • to seat the first “Demodramatic place” in Dakar (Senegal) collaborating in the creation of different plays made with with DemoScene technologies that would be presented during Afropixel Festival (May 2012) (
  • to consolidate a work methodology for future workshops, that would be also available in document form.

Long term:

  • to create a net of “demodramatic places”, available anywhere, using the software DemoScene.
  • to create a cybernetic environment where plays made during the Afropixel Festival can be shown
  • to consolidate a collaborators' network linked to the project
  • to promote the communication and diffusion of the Project on a website, that includes a software repository and an archive with scenic and visual contents.
  • to continue experimenting with the tools in order to create new scenic pieces and projects.

Team and experience

Demodrama faces emerged as a collective at the Hello World! meeting about contemporary scenic creation and new technologies organised by Medialab Prado in December 2009. During this meeting the first work team was created and the first “demo” was shown.

Since then, the group has kept working and developing the tool. We have made public presentations at Medialab Prado (AVLAB March 2010 and Friday OpenLab February 2012) and have performed some plays at the Matadero and Sala Pradillo in Madrid. We also held a workshop about digital mask creation in Ker Thiossane, a multimedia creation centre in Dakar (Senegal) with the support of AECID (International Cooperation and Development Spanish Agency).

Currently, the team consists of eight people, some of them working regularly, some of them working occasionally :

  • Technical development and computers programme: Enrique Esteban, Yago Torroja, Ignacio Cossío, Anders Restad and Eduardo Moriana.

  • Scenic and dramaturgic development: Patricia Esteban, Eva Racionero and Clara de Andrés.

  • Image and Design: Ismael García.

Further information:

Social commitment