Gogoan (En la memoria)

Finished 06 / 05 / 2018
Missão cumprida!
$ 32,827
$ 24,952
$ 36,545
392 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 11

    You are part of the work

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture

    > 38 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 22

    Thank you gifts

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Pin Sf-78 + DVD of the documentary “Oroitarria”, on the stele in homage to Germán Rodríguez

    > 112 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 54

    Thank you gifts (music)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Pin of SF-78 + CD of music (exclusive edition on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Sanfermines of 78, edited by GOR)

    > 88 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 82

    Thank you gifts (collections)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Lot of DVDs of documentaries about historical memory + Collection of postcards (reproduction of artistic works created for the 30th anniversary of the Sanfermines of 78)

    > 14 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 109

    Thank you gifts (new publications)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Book “Feminism, the transition, and the sanfermines of 78” written by Begoña Zabala + CD music (exclusive edition on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Sanfermines of 78, edited by GOR)

    > 54 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 218

    COLLECTIVES AND ASSOCIATIONS Thank you gifts (work of the artist 1)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + An serigraphy reproducing the sculpture made by Dora Salazar + Guided tour around the streets of Iruñea (A unique visit guided by of those who lived the Sanfermines of 78 in first person)

    > 19 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 218

    Thank you gifts (work of the artist 1)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + An serigraphy reproducing the sculpture made by Dora Salazar

    > 11 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 545

    COLLECTIVES AND ASSOCIATIONS Thank you gifts (work of the artist 2)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Reproduction of the miniature sculpture, made of wrought iron by Dora Salazar + Guided tour around the streets of Iruñea (A unique visit guided by of those who lived the Sanfermines of 78 in first person)

    > 03 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 545

    Thank you gifts (work of the artist 2)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Reproduction of the miniature sculpture, made of wrought iron by Dora Salazar

    > 06 Apoiadores

En el ecuador de nuestro objetivo, ya sobrepasamos el 50%

28 | 02 | 2018

En la tercera semana de nuestro crowdfunding, en pleno ecuador de nuestro objetivo, nos da mucha alegría contaros que ya hemos recaudado algo más de 12 000 euros, que suponen el 52% del total a conseguir. ¡¡Eskerrik asko, mil gracias a todas (personas y colectivos) que habeís contribuído!!

Seguimos en nuestra campaña con ilusión y optimismo, tanto aquí en las redes virtuales como en el mundo real. Por eso queremos recordaros, para quienes no pudisteis acudir o estáis lejos, que las jornadas "La otra Transición" están disponibles en internet: pinchando en esta página de nuestra web podéis acceder a toda la información y los vídeos de las tres mesas redondas.

Y os animamos también a que sigáis ayudándonos a difundir esta campaña entre vuestras amistades, familiares, redes sociales, etc. para que consigamos nuestro objetivo en estos 25 días que quedan... ¡¡Eskerrik asko!!


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