Open Water!

Filed on 02 / 07 / 2016
£ 334
£ 9,363
£ 17,290
13 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 8


    We appreciate it a lot, and you will appear as co-financer in the initiative's web and in the manual that you choose (construction or monitoring)!

    > 00 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 17

    Welcome to the Team!

    You will be part of the team, accessing texts and designs in the first phase of public edition. You will receive the first beta version of the two manuals (construction and monitoring), in digital format. You can review and provide your impressions on texts and designs before the final edition!
    You appear as co-financer web and in both manuals.

    > 04 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 34

    Open Water! t-shirt and Welcome to the Team!

    We'll send you the project t-shirt and you'll receive our "Welcome to the Team!" appearing as co-financier on the web and in both manuals.
    Shipping out of Spain not included.

    > 04 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 51

    Photo limited edition T and Welcome to the Team!

    You can choose one of 4 limited edition photos (25 units each) of the initial prototype of the water tower designed by the team of Open Water! and awarded by the "Reciclar Arte 2016" competition. The photographs were taken by photographers "Ollero and Navarro". They'll be shipped with professional printing, in 20x30 format.
    You will also receive project t-shirt and our "Welcome to the team!"
    Shipping out of Spain not included.

    > 01 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 85

    Limited edition poster + T-shirt and Welcome to the Team!

    You can choose one of 2 limited edition poster (20 units each) of the initial prototype of the water tower designed by the team of Open Water! and awarded the "Reciclar Arte 2016" competition. The photographs were taken by photographers "Ollero and Navarro". They are shipped with professional printing, in 70x100cm format.
    You will also receive project t-shirt and the "Welcome to the team!"
    Shipping out of Spain not included.
    Además recibirás la camiseta del proyecto y la "Bienvenida al equipo!"
    Gastos de envío fuera de España no incluidos.

    > 00 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 127

    Virtual masterclass and Wellcome to the Team!

    1 hour Virtual Master and a minimum of 45 minutes for questions and answers + our "Welcome to the Team!"

    > 00 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 845

    Official Sponsor of Open Water!

    The name/logo, personal or institutional, will appear as official sponsor of the initiative in the manuals, the website and all produced documentation, which you'll receive both in beta versions and in the printed final version.

    In addition, our "Welcome to the Team!", You will receive a pack with the whole system of sensors and processors, ready to be connected to the IoT and start experimenting with it. The pack is accompanied by an exclusive Masterclass for you, three hours, to discuss in depth the constructive and technological details of such projects.

    > 00 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 2,113

    AGUA! Prototype, unique piece

    Scales fogcatcher prototype, 80 x 120 x 200 cm. Original pieces exposed and awarded in which we turned up and we were rewarded in "Reciclar Arte 2016". Unique piece.
    Shipping fees excluded.

    > 00 Apoiadores

About this project

Open Source manuals for building and monitoring dew water harvesting systems (fog-catchers)

Necessidades Tarefa Minimum ótimo
Initiative overall coordination and dissemination tasks, including teams coordination, institutional relations, rewards preparation and delivery, audiovisual materials creation, texts and communications concerning crowdfunding campaign.
£ 2,840
Redacción manual de construcción
El manual de construcción de compondrá de dos partes: el diseño y la construcción. Se analizarán y detallarán todos los aspectos involucrados en cada una de ellas para presentar al lector un panorama completo tanto de las operaciones a realizar para la realización de un atrapaniebla, como de los materiales y las herramientas que se pueden utilizar a tal fin.
£ 609
Relating graphically the main contents of the Construction Manual for immediate understanding. This document is intended as a comic, reducing the amount of texts and incorporating most of the information in drawings to facilitate its use and translation into different languages.
£ 406
The Construction Manual consist of two parts: programming and system assembly. Once programmed the code will be available with CC license and could be downloaded directly from the web for its use and modifications. In assembly chapter all involved aspects of the proposed system assembly and installation in a fogcatcher will be detailed.
£ 609
Relating graphically the main contents of the Monitoring Manual for immediate understanding. This document is intended as a comic, reducing the amount of texts and incorporating most of the information in drawings to facilitate its use and translation into different languages.
£ 304
Layout of the material produced for dissemination, including its revision and covers preparation.
£ 135
Traducción del material producido al inglés y posiblemente a otros idiomas, dependiendo de las colaboraciones que puedan surgir durante el proceso.
£ 541
Rewards t-shirts, pictures and posters printing and sending costs , these costs will rise to € 2250 in the case of going for the optimum.
£ 845
Income Tax
£ 1,380
Initiative overall coordination and dissemination tasks, including teams coordination, institutional relations, rewards preparation and delivery, audiovisual materials creation, texts and communications concerning crowdfunding campaign.
£ 964
Structural calculations
The structural requirements of fogcatchers constructed from different materials (cane, bamboo, metal plate, blinds slats, etc ...) will be calculated. Due to the disparity of materials that could be used and their different characteristics such calculations are conceived as a solid reference tool and guidance for those who want to experience the construction of a fogcatcher with unorthodox or unconventional materials.
£ 2,113
Implementation of a web platform to document and real-time monitor the sensor readings of the towers. Connecting the towers to IoT will allow and promote data crossing, combining information on gradients, ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, etc ... being able to cross those data with the manufacturing data of each structure is a major step forward in the development of environment humidity condensers. These data are the basis that will allow to prove each design to see how it works, quantitatively, in each environment, and knowing exactly how each applied improvement will affect it. Make these real-time data available to the interested public and researchers is the mission of this platform.
£ 2,113
Income tax
£ 1,195
Necessidades Infraestrutura Minimum ótimo
Preparation and installation of the Arduino system prototype to obtain water collection data and check for its proper operation. Includes the acquisition of 2 Arduino motherboards, 1 sensors Pack, 1 Kit Solar panel, 1 charger, batteries, 1 Shield GPRS communication board and 1 data prepaid Internet card, enclosure and fastening elements.
£ 338
Material and assembling of a full-scale fogcatcher. It includes structure's materials, base / counter, mesh, collector, filter and tank and its preparation, transport and application. The process of building at real scale will be critical for construction manual testing.
£ 423
Implementation of a basic website with information about the project and initiative's description. On this website the produced manuals and necessary codes for the operation of the monitoring system will be available for download, and it will serve as a communication tool with people who are willing to use them.
£ 423
Material and assembling of a second tower / full-scale fogcatcher prototype. Experiments carried out with the construction of the first prototype will reduce costs, however this second prototype aspires to be installed in an area with a different climate profile, which means higher travel costs.
£ 592
Once successfully tested the first prototype, its possibilities will expanded by adding other sensors, a more advanced meteorological station to provide different mounting and elements options in the manual. In addition options to interact with the fogcatchers, according to the weather situation being tested, will be studied.
£ 507
Necessidades Material Minimum ótimo
Estimated costs derived form Goteo's commissions and from bank and PayPal transfers.
£ 511
Estimated costs derived form Goteo's commissions and from bank and PayPal transfers.
£ 442
Total £ 9,363 £ 17,290

General information

According to UNICEF, nearly 750 million people worldwide lack adequate access to clean water. Ninety percent live in rural and marginalized areas with few resources, where the unavailability of drinking water constitutes a major health problem.

We believe that the best approach to address this problem is to provide very low-cost, reliable, locally applicable, and small-scale solutions, based on family or community facilities which adapt to the resources and conditions of each environment. They must be simple and well-documented, include graphic explanations to construct them, and provide reliable information as to how much water can be obtained from their implementation.

A "fog-catcher" is any system used to capture microscopic water droplets suspended the fog and store them in liquid form. It could be also called "dew-catcher". Many plants and animals, especially in desert environments, use this principle to collect the water they need to survive. Scientists and companies have observed the systems developed by these organisms in order to find a way to artificially catch the water contained in the fog.

Nonetheless, there are no reliable and open-source information on how to build these systems, nor are there open-access studies that could allow a community to assess whether they would suit in their climate context.

Open Water! aims to define and spread the manufacture of fog-catchers following extremely simple patterns adaptable to local materials and resources. We added a low-cost control and efficiency data collection system, with the intention to create an empirical database enabling to predict and adjust the performance of future installations.

For this purpose we produce and distribute under a Creative Commons license two handbooks explaining how to build and improve the "catchers". One of them offers guidelines to build them in a simple and affordable way. The second one explains how to develop and produce a device composed of free software and hardware that allows monitoring performance and using the collected data to optimize future developments.

Our strategy differs from other existing initiatives primarily in its open-source nature. We also want the communities that choose to become involved in the project to be at the same time beneficiaries and partners.

Open Water! offers new tools to already existing initiatives, as well as to any variation that may rise from the information of this project.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

There are different proposals for the construction of fog-catchers, but there is no detailed and reliable information on how to implement them, or their exact efficiency. This makes it very difficult for communities interested in this type of installation to build one of their own.

There are several precedents of successful experiences. Tadeo Casañas, a Canarian sheepherder from El Hierro island, began recovering traditional systems for dew water collection in the 1940s. Today, private patented water collectors extract up to 1,350 liters per day across the island. In the Atacama Desert in Chile, bi-dimensional systems have been in use for years, also following patented designs. There are other initiatives with a stronger social component, such as Warka Water, but they still do not provide detailed information on how to build fog-catchers, or the amount of water that a community can expect from one of these systems.

In order to advance in the development of these water recovery technologies, it is critical to be able to cross-reference the data on environment, temperature gradients, relative humidity, wind speed, etc. with the manufacturing data of each structure. This information provides the grounds for assessing each design quantitatively, in each environment, and how exactly any improvement that could be implemented may affect it.

Research is the only way to improve the efficiency of fog-catchers. In the absence of large funding, to investigate it is necessary to turn each installation itself into a laboratory. Its results will benefit both the community using the installation and, above all, those who want to improve the design in the future. That is why for us the data collection system is so important; the use of IoT and Big Data seems to us the best solution to overcome the lack of sufficient funds for large-scale research. We realize that the cost of this hardware, albeit low, can still be unaffordable for rural, isolated and marginalized population, but it is essential that the communities joining the project can make a reliable appraisal of its productivity and feasibility. In order to achieve this, we will involve local education, development and cooperation institutions for helping in monitoring tasks in those communities that need and request it.

Our goal is to combine the philosophy of Tadeo Casañas, who changed his environment by sharing his knowledge, with the most recent technologies and advances in fog-catchers building.

The project is structured along three axes:

A Construction Manual with abundant graphic information, to facilitate the construction of a fog-catcher with basic tools and materials.

A Monitoring Manual with instructions to build a low-cost monitoring system, based on Arduino technology. It allows building a system to monitor productivity, and share the data with other installations.

An online platform and website to make available instructions, data and readings, as well as precise blueprints for the construction and improvement of systems, and to enable the exchange of information on catchers in general.

Our overarching goal is to jumpstart a virtuous circle:

The Construction Manual will promote the construction of catchers, some of which are equipped with low-cost monitoring systems.

Those communities that are interested will be able to access all the information and construction guidelines. They can appraise the system’s suitability to their needs, depending on the amount of water that can be expected based on data from previous experiences.

Those who decide to build fog-catcher may share their improvements over materials and construction techniques. Also, if they can install the monitoring system, they will feed the project’s database and help improve the efficiency of future projects.

Open Water! aims to provide new tools, useful both for existing initiatives and for those which will be developed soon, by our own initiative or by future users.


Why this is important

Open Water! proposal differs from existing ones primarily in its opensource nature, in which participating communities are simultaneously receiving and collaborating in the project.

We looked to simple and easy to assemble constructive solutions adapted to local and / or recycled materials.

And so the project emphasizes its open vocation, the use of Creative Commons licenses and work lines that articulate the open culture.

The goal is to change the roles and forms of many of the existing cooperation projects, moving from the welfarism to another more collaborative and participatory model in which the beneficiaries take ownership of the solution. Monitoring, collection and sharing of operating data of the towers is also something new that will allow communities to know the amounts of water they can expect to collect with this system in different climates, and adjust the designs to their climatic context .

We want to promote its use by other researchers and communities in need, promoting dialogue between educational institutions and communities through the web platform. We hope that the availability of documentation and open source data promotes a productive debate on this issue, where new ideas and improvements based on past experience arise.

So the sharing of simple, accessible, complete and reliable information about the construction of this type of infrastructure is our main goal.

The Open Water! project is not only a technical or ecological project, also it has strong economic and social connotations. Obtaining water consumes a lot of time and resources in communities without access to it, while generating feeding (irrigation) and health (lack of hygiene) problems.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Through our crowd-funding campaign we aim to fund the drafting of the Construction and Monitoring manuals, to build at least one full-scale prototype, and to develop, write the script, and test the monitoring system based on Arduino. All three tasks are deeply intertwined, and must be continuously reviewed in relation to each other throughout the process.

It will also fund the layout of the manuals and their translation, as well as the website to host the initiative, and make the manuals and data body widely available.

portada-11.jpg objetivos.jpg motivacion.jpg ciclo-cerrado.jpg

Team and experience

Gianluca Stasi held in October 2015 construction, in collaboration with the Total Environment Institute, a first prototype of "catchers" full scale in Piracicaba (Brazil) to check assembly and efficiency. In March 2016 he made another scale 1: 4 in Seville (Spain) to test a new method of design and installation faster and easier.

Between 2009 and 2011 he has been involved in wider social processes and projects, such as the conception and realization of elNodo cultural center in Saltillo, Mexico.

In 2012 he collaborated period has developed a study on the technique of superadobe in the CalEarth Institute.

From 2013 to 2015 he has developed advisory activities, training and empowerment for ecological projects in Brazil and Morocco and specific teaching activities in other countries such as in the 34th Easa Symbioza Festival in Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)

Misael Rodríguez begins its career as Ceramic Engineer, working for two years in Bangladesh, Philippines, China and Thailand. In 2001 the Dutch Government grant him to study at the Art, Media and Technology Faculty of Utrecht (Netherlands).

In 2005 he develops the project DAIVIC (Developing Audio Interfaces for the Visually Impaired Community), where he design and build technologies in order to allow visually impaired people to work with audio. With this project he participates at the International Computer Mudic Conference of 2005.

Back in Spain, in 2009 he creates and coordinates the Malab Medialab, associated to the “Pista Digital” project. The Malab participates, among other meetings and festivals, at the Atlantic Market of Contemporary Creation held in Tenerife, Spain, at 2011.

From 2009 till 2011 he coordinates also the New Technology area of Unión Romaní, a Spanish federation of Roma associations made for and by Roma people. In Unión Romaní he develops different projects where he uses the new technologies as a tool to improve the live conditions of the Roma people in Spain.

From 2011 tll now he works in the social, technological and artistic cooperative WWB (, where he is a member of the Main Board. In this cooperative he has develop projects with sustainable orchards involving elderly people and using FM Radio to communicate the plants sensors and ther gardeners (“Fuerte Mejostilla”, in Cáceres). He is also quite active in the Telepresence field, where he co-coordinates, develops and builds a system to interconnect with video and audio with a very low latency a square in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), and another in Cadiz (Spain).
He has also participates in differents art festivals, such as the International Light Festival Of Sintra (Portugal) in 2015 and 2016


Social commitment