Un parc, un pati, un espai per florir

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Finished 18 / 08 / 2017
£ 10,090
£ 9,229
£ 14,012
147 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 3

    Campanya recta final

    Agraïment a tots els nostres seguidors per ajudar-nos a arrribar a la meta

    > 10 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 10

    Our deepest gratitude

    Our deepest gratitude

    > 14 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 17

    Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name

    Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name in the thank you list at Submarí Lila website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 18 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 25

    E-Book "Oliveres el dia a dia" (digital)

    E-Book "Oliveres, el dia a dia" Digital version + mentioning your name in the thank you list at Submarí Lila website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 20 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 42


    Book: "Oliveres, el dia a dia". First pedagogical book of a Submarí Lila collection + mentioning your name in the thank you list at Submarí Lila website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 36 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 84

    Invitation to the opening ceremony of the Green Zone and Playgrounds

    Invitation to the opening ceremony of the Green Zone and Playgrounds + E-Book "Oliveres, el dia a dia" Digital version + mentioning your name in the thank you list at Submarí Lila website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 16 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 84

    Invitation to spend a full school day at Submarí Lila

    Invitation to spend a full school day at Submarí Lila + E-Book "Oliveres, el dia a dia" Digital version + mentioning your name in the thank you list at Submarí Lila website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 03 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 126


    Invitation to spend a full school day at Submarí Lila + Invitation to The Opening ceremony of the Green Zone and Playgrounds.

    > 07 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 421


    Invitation to spend a full school day at Submarí Lila + Invitation to The Opening ceremony of the Green Zone and Playgrounds + your logo as a sponsor at the educational event "AMB MIRADA ATENTA Submarí Lila 2018"

    > 00 Apoiadores
  • Contributing £ 842

    Formació pedagògica al Submarí Lila

    Invitation to spend a full school day at Submarí Lila + Invitation to The Opening ceremony of the Green Zone and Playgrounds + your logo as a sponsor at the educational event "AMB MIRADA ATENTA Submarí Lila 2018" + 2 free tickets for professionals + 2 free tickets for families at "AMB MIRADA ATENTA Submarí Lila 2018"

    > 01 Apoiadores

About this project

A project of co-creation for the design and improvement of the exterior spaces of the Submarí Lila project and El Milà village.

Necessidades Infraestrutura Minimum ótimo
Zona comunitària (Parc) 6 Taules de pícnic de fusta
Taules de pícnic estàndard de fusta de diferents mides, amb bancs adjunts.
£ 842
ZONA COMUNITÀRIA (PARC) Caseta de fusta a l’arbre
Estructura de fusta per a instal·lar damunt d'un garrofer . Inclou transport, instal·lació i homologació
£ 1,010
Cirerers (espai infants de 3 a 5 anys) Obertura del mur, construcció i col·locació d’una porta
Es vol afavorir l’amplitud de visió cap al bosc adjacent a l’escola obrint l'accés del darrere. Cal tirar la paret a terra i instal·lar-hi una nova porta
£ 1,676
Cirerers (espai infants de 3 a 5 anys) Cabana de fusta
Cabana a mode de tipi transitable per la coberta, amb elements psicomotrius a les parets laterals
£ 1,263
Per fer passeres sobre la coberta vegetal. Utilitzarem pedra d'Alcover
£ 421
CIRERERS (ESPAI DE 3 A 5 ANYS) Pèrgola i zona d’umbracle
Estructura de fusta de forma rodona i vela triangular per protegir els infants del sol. La seva instal·lació es farà a un dels accessos de la sala de psicomotricitat
£ 126
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Recollida d’aigües pluvials
Instal·lació d'un sistema de recollida d'aigües pluvials per al seu aprofitament pel reg. La teulada ja disposa de canalera, només cal instal·lar les baixants i dos dipòstits d'1m3
£ 177
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Estructura de fusta
Gran estructura de fusta que permeti enfilar-s'hi damunt, amb elements psicomotrius per a accedir-hi i que alhora permeti amagar-s'hi a sota
£ 1,347
Despeses derivades del transport
Gasolina de les anades i vingudes per comprar i transportat el material per la remodelació: grava, fusta.
£ 168
Necessidades Tarefa Minimum ótimo
ZONA COMUNITÀRIA (PARC) Conjunt de vegetació autòctona d’arbres i plantes aromàtiques
Disseny de dos espais diferents amb vegetació autòctona. Per una banda zona d'ombratge amb diversos arbres. Per l'altra jardí de papallones (amb plantes amb flor i aromàtiques)
£ 421
Jornades participatives de treball comunitari (preu per a organitzar la jornada i les manutencions, la mà d'obra es posa de forma voluntària)
£ 59
CIRERERS (ESPAI DE 3 A 5 ANYS) Coberta vegetal
Sembra de coberta vegetal al terra del pati
£ 152
CIRERERS (ESPAI DE 3 A 5 ANYS) Preses d’escalada
Zona per la pràctica de l’escalada en horitzontal
£ 67
CIRERERS (ESPAI DE 3 A 5 ANYS) Hores de feina
Jornades participatives de treball comunitari (preu per a organitzar la jornada i les manutencions, la mà d'obra es posa de forma voluntària)
£ 109
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Bassa per amfibis
Construcció d'una petita bassa amb vegetació i amfibis. Cal realitzar el forat, impermeabilitzar, construir un filtre de zeolita i instal·lar una bomba d’aigua per afavorir-ne l'oxigenació
£ 202
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Millora del compostador actual
Refer el compostador actual, canviar les fustes i col·locar-hi una porta superior
£ 17
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Vegetació
Túnels amb avellaners Coberta d’heura de l’edifici (façana est) Enjardinament zona lateral Enjardinament zona frontal Elements per balcons i columnes
£ 328
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Hores de treball
Jornades participatives de treball comunitari (preu per a organitzar la jornada i les manutencions, la mà d'obra es posa de forma voluntària)
£ 109
Jornades participatives de treball comunitari (preu per a organitzar la jornada i les manutencions, la mà d'obra es posa de forma voluntària)
£ 421
CIRERERS (ESPAI DE 3 A 5 ANYS) cabana de fusta
Si disposem de més pressupost, farem una cabana de fusta més gran i amb més elements psicomotrius laterals
£ 2,442
Jornades participatives de treball
£ 337
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Circuit d’aigua
Construcció d'un circuit de transport d’aigua entre dos grans recipients, espai per a experimentació
£ 354
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Racó de música
Disseny d'un racó per a l'experimentació musical a l'exterior. Disposició de diversos elements sonors suaus, tubs de PVC, fustes, metalls, i diverses baquetes al llarg d'una paret lateral de l'escola
£ 185
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Cuineta exterior adjacent al sorral
Millora d'un racó del sorral on els infants hi guarden els elements d'experimentació amb l'aigua. Construcció d'una cuineta exterior dotada amb pica i espai per a tot aquest material
£ 320
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Racó de troncs
Troncs de mida gran disposats de forma determinada en un racó del pati per a permetre el treball amb l'equilibri i poder ser, també, un espai de trobada i reunió
£ 387
Jornades participatives de treball comunitari (preu per a organitzar la jornada i les manutencions, la mà d'obra es posa de forma voluntària)
£ 337
Necessidades Material Minimum ótimo
CIRERERS (ESPAI DE 3 A 5 ANYS) Enfiladissa (Parra verge)
Es vol cobrir la pèrgola i el mur adjacent amb vegetació enfiladissa
£ 8
CIRERERS (ESPAI DE 3 A 5 ANYS) Plantes aromàtiques i plantes amb flor
S'utilitzaran passadissos de plantes aromàtiques per tal de delimitar espais, fer racons íntims i facilitar diversos accessos
£ 59
CIRERERS (ESPAI DE 3 A 5 ANYS) Hort vertical
Farem un hort vertical construït a base de palets, per tal de maximitzar l'espai disponible per a plantar i aprofitar tota una paret del pati
£ 42
Alzina (espai on hi ha els infants de 6 a 12 anys) Ampliació i condicionament de l’hort
Construcció d'un espai d'hort, i aportació de terra per a aquesta ampliació i per l’hort actual
£ 55
ALZINA (ESPAI DE 6 A 12 ANYS) Taules de pic-nic
Quatre taules de pícnic bàsiques, dues de grans i dues de mitjanes, amb bancs adjacents per a permetre el treball a l'espai exterior
£ 505
Grava per anivellar la zona exterior
Anivellar el final de l'escala d'accés, on hi ha un esglaó massa alt. Es farà un baixada progressiva amb grava i argila
£ 13
Material de ferreteria variat per a les estructures
Claus, femelles, angles, cargols.
£ 51
Total £ 9,229 £ 14,012

General information

The Submarí Lila, founded in 2008 by a group of educators and families in the Baix Camp region in Tarragona, is a project that promotes a respectful education. It currently offers pre-school and primary education. Constituted in 2013 as a Mixed Cooperative for Education, the Submarí Lila actually has 82 children and 154 partners. As a self-managed, non-profit making Cooperative, the school moved for the 2014-2015 academic year to El Milà (Alt Camp), and obtained, during the same year, official authorization of the primary school by the education authority.
With the move and the official authorization, multiple investments were necessary to tailor the available spaces and installations. Amongst these, was the building of a new building to accommodate a required classroom in the primary school, the improvement of all the installations, and more fundamentally, the adaptation of the exterior spaces. All this work has been carried out collectively by the partners of the cooperative, who have contributed hours of voluntary work.
The necessity to adapt and improve the playgrounds of the pre-school and primary school, coincided with the reality of a village lacking resources, but with a public park with enormous potential. Conversing with the parish council of El Milà, an agreement was reached which satisfies the converging needs of both the village and the Submarí Lila, with the double objective of enriching the public park and improving the playgrounds of both the pre- and primary schools.
From the conception of this collaboration, the present project, “A park, a playground, a place to flourish” has been born, giving place to a participative process between children, educators and families for the co-creation of a playground-public park in El Milà, integrated into the school´s own project.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The Submarí Lila is a mixed cooperative for teaching, focussed in a pre-school and primary school project. Within this educational project, we are in a process of growth and find ourselves with the need to improve and adapt the exterior spaces of both the pre-school and primary school, and also the public park of the village, El Milà, in which we are situated.
We propose to improve all the exterior spaces of the project and the village park to maximise their pedagogical, environmental, psychomotor and recreational use as well as a meeting place for the cooperative.
For this reason, all the people implicated in the educational community (children, families, educators and the village parish council) have together initiated the co-creational project “A park, a playground, a space to flourish”.

In carrying out this project, we have inspired ourselves in the “Practical Guide for co-creation in schools” by Lluís Sabadell Artiga. The phases of planning are as follows:

  1. Designing the process Summer Term 2015/16
  2. Research Summer Term 2015-16 and Autumn Term 2016-17
  3. Co-creating Spring Term 2016-17
  4. Construction and planting Summer term 2016-17, summer vacations 2017 and Autumn term 17-18
  5. Celebration End of Autumn term 2017-18

We currently find ourselves in Phase 4. The project has been co-created and designed mediating a participative process between the children, families, the educative team and the parish council of El Milà.

The actual process, to which we give as much importance as the final results themselves, has met the proposed objectives, as follows:
● To give both voice and vote to all the people pertaining to the educative community of the Submarí Lila Cooperative and the village of El Milà.
● Implicate all of the community (children, family, educative team and parish council) in the process of co-creation
● Generate a democratic, participative and solidarity process, adapted to the needs and possibilities (physical, emotional and cognitive) of all of the collectives involved
● Ensure that the sustainability and ecological principles are applied at all levels of the project
● Provide the external spaces of the project with more elements of pedagogical interest and for play
● Enrich the biodiversity of the outside spaces
● Reach a shared compromise between the Cooperative and the parish council to care for the public park of El Milà .


Why this is important

The motivation of the project “A park, a playground, a space to flourish” arises in response to the need to provide the educational project of the Submari Lila with installations of a pedagogical nature and for play, that facilitate and benefit the development of the children educated in the school. Additionally, there is also the need to enrich the biodiversity of the natural environment, with the objective of converting them into ecosystems that foment the knowledge of and caring for nature by all parts of the educative community.
Both the process of creation and the final results are directed to all members of the educative community, since the improvement of the exterior spaces inside and outside the school are to be enjoyed by the whole collective.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

In order to complete all of the phases of our project, we need to ingress funds which permit the purchase of the educational material, installations for play and the plants and vegetation for establishing in the park and playground areas. All the time dedicated to the design and manual work are without economic cost, since the participants offer their time voluntarily. However, we need to purchase the following materials, specified below in detail.
In order the make the list of necessities more comprehensible, we have divided the budget into two main packages which we would like to obtain. The first package is the minimum necessary to be able to carry out the project. The second is the optimum material that we would like to have in order to carry out all that we imagine the project could be.


Team and experience

Since the beginnings of our project in 2008, we work daily in direct contact with nature. We learn, together with the children, to care for and respect Nature, through day-to-day tasks, excursions and nature workshops. This is one of the main principles of our educative project and one of the priorities on the part of the educative team.
Since the 2014-2015 academic course, we have a Commission for Ecology and Sustainability, formed by families of the cooperative that oversee that all activities and materials of the the project are respectful of the environment.
Since 2008, in all the educative spaces, we have created a vegetable garden where, with the children, we work all of these principals, and where we have already initiated the compromise to enrich our exterior spaces in the pedagogical sense. Last year, this work was presented for and won the Prize “School, Agriculture and Ecological Alimentation” organized by the Government of Catalonia together with the “Asociación Vida Sana”. The economic dotation of that prize was dedicated to the elaboration of the actual project and realization of the first three phases of its execution.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.