¡Únete al FSMET: Foro Social Mundial de las Economías Transformadoras!

Filed on 29 / 12 / 2019
$ 5,375
$ 26,715
$ 42,744
35 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 11

    Gratitude (published on website)

    We will sincerely thank you and we will publish your name as a sponsor on our website: transformadora.org.
    Also, thanks to this donation you will have tax benefits (only for people living and paying taxes in Spain).

    > 04 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 16

    Gratitude + paper magazine El Salto Diario (to deliver in Barcelona or Spanish territories, including islands)

    El Salto believes in a radically different journalism: without the financing from the main corporations of Spain's stock market, democratic, de-centralized and with collective property. Be among the first ones to read the contents of its paper magazine.

    > 01 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 21

    Gratitude + cloth bag WSFTE (to deliver in Barcelona)

    You will receive a cloth bag with the WSFTE motto.

    > 01 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 27

    Gratitude + WSFTE agenda (to deliver in Barcelona) + a book published by Pol·len (in Spanish or Catalan)

    You will get an agenda with WSFTE logo and basic informations on the process towards 2020 Forum. You can also choose one from five books published by Pol·len, an independent publishing house, specialized in ecological publishing of books about critical thinking. We propose you books about agroecology, social and solidarity economy or ethical financing, to deepen your knowledge on transformative economies.

    > 03 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 32

    Gratitude + merchandising to choose (shipping to all Spanish territories, including islands), or El Salto newspaper (international shipping)

    You can choose the reward you prefer and where would you like to receive it by answering to the mail we will send you through Goteo platform.

    > 01 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 43

    Gratitude + one-day pass for WSFTE / one-year digital subscription to El Salto

    Besides our gratitude, you will be able to choose between two different rewards:

    • A one-day ticket to participate on WSFTE in Barcelona (25th-28th June 2020) (limited to 7 people)
    • A one-year digital subscription to El Salto Diario. This subscription gives access to digital version of newspaper and members area on the website. You will also received a weekly digest with main news. (Limited option)

    You can choose the reward you prefer and where would you like to receive it by answering to the mail we will send you through Goteo platform.

    > 04 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 53

    Gratitude + one-day ticket to WSFTE + merchandising

    You will be able to participate in WSFTE in Barcelona for one day (between 25th and 28th June 2020), and you will also be able to choose the merchandising article you prefer (limited to 7 people)

    > 02 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 69

    Gratitude + one-year El Salto paper subscription (shipping to Spanish territories including islands) + 5 books published by Pol·len

    During one year, you will receive El Salto paper magazine at home and a weekly newsletter, and you will also have access to digital version and the members area on the website.

    You can also choose to get a pack of five books published by Pol·len, an independent publishing house, specialized in ecological publishing of books about critical thinking. We propose you books about agroecology, social and solidarity economy or ethical financing, to deepen your knowledge on transformative economies.

    > 03 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 80

    Gratitude + two-days ticket to WSFTE

    You will be able to attend WSFTE in Barcelona for two days, between 25th and 28th June 2020 (limited to 7 people)

    > 02 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 91

    Gratitude + 4-day ticket to WSFTE + merchandising

    You will be able to access to all activities during the 4 days of WSFTE in Barcelona, between 25th and 28th June 2020, and you will be able to choose the merchandising article you like the most (limited to 7 people)

    > 00 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 107

    Gratitude + one-year El Salto paper subscription (international shipping)

    During one year, you will receive El Salto paper magazine at home and a weekly newsletter, and you will also have access to digital version and the members area on the website.

    > 01 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 449

    Gratitude + 2 four-day tickets to WSFTE `merchandising + food on 4 days of WSFTE to 2 people

    You can attend WSFTE in Barcelona during four days with the person you choose. We will also invite you to the food during the 4 days (8 meals), and you will be able to choose to merchandising articles.

    > 00 Apoiadores
  • Contributing $ 1,069

    Banner on website

    If you want to make a big donation to WSFTE, we will make visible the logo of your organization in a banner on our website.

    • We won't accept donations from entities that don't share WSFTE's values and principles.
    > 01 Apoiadores

Ayúdanos a llegar a la meta: ¡abrimos un crowdfunding para el FSMET!

19 | 11 | 2019

Hola transformadora!

Estamos muy contentas de anunciarte que, con el apoyo de Goteo, hemos abierto una campaña de crowdfunding o micromecenazgo, que nos permitirá recibir donativos de muchas personas que quieren apoyar el proceso hacia el Foro Social Mundial de las Economías Transformadoras de junio de 2020, y ayudarnos a que sea tal y como lo estamos imaginando entre todas.

Hasta ahora el FSMET se ha financiado a través de tres vías principales:

  • los ingresos que genera la propia actividad del FSMET, que representarían al menos la mitad del presupuesto

  • las aportaciones de las organizaciones de las economías transformadoras

  • las aportaciones en forma de subvenciones y convenios de colaboración procedentes de instituciones públicas, de proyectos de transformación social y de fundaciones, principalmente filantrópicas y progresistas.

Pero a medida que se acerca la fecha del FSMET, se multiplican las necesidades. Para garantizar la continuidad y la sostenibilidad del proceso, necesitamos diversificar las fuentes de financiación, y ahí es donde entras tú.

Abrimos este crowdfunding porque concebimos las economías, en plural, como un proceso de todas y para todas, opuesto al actual sistema capitalista que solo busca beneficios para el 1% de la población. Pensamos que puedes ser parte de este proceso y, al mismo tiempo, ayudarnos a sostenerlo económicamente.

Las donaciones las destinaremos a:

**- Servicio de interpretación (coordinación de intérpretes)

  • Becas de participación: billetes de transporte y alojamiento

  • Campaña de difusión

  • Refuerzo del equipo humano que trabaja para el Foro**

Si crees que el FSMET es un proyecto que merece la pena apoyar, puedes convertirte en mecenas a través de una aportación económica. Tenemos modalidades de donación para todos los bolsillos, entre 10 y 1.000 euros, dependiendo de tu presupuesto y de si haces el donativo como una organización o a título individual. Echa un vistazo al listado de recompensas.

¡Gracias por ser parte de la transformación!


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